
Showing posts from 2015

The Dead Man's Cake blogs - index

Hi.  My name is David Barrows, an American musician and computer geek, living in London. When I was six years old, my mother committed suicide.  Many years later I made a music CD where I try to come to terms with this tragic event, and the issue of suicide in general, which I entitled Dead Man's Cake.  I also later blogged about it on this blog site, in a series of posts I call the "Dead Man's Cake blogs." This page is an index to the entire series: The "Dead Man's Cake" blogs, issue #1 . The "Dead Man's Cake" Blogs, issue #2 . The "Dead Man's Cake" blogs, issue #3 . The "Dead Man's Cake" blogs, issue #4 . The "Dead Man's Cake" blogs, issue #5 . The "Dead Man's Cake" blogs, issue #6 . The "Dead Man's Cake" blogs, issue #7 . The "Dead Man's Cake" blogs, issue #8 . Incidentally I was moved today to create this page and...